Pub. 55 2014-2015 Issue 4

The Wells Group— CARDEALERSHIPFURNITURE.COM provides cost e ff ec � ve furniture so- lu � ons for major brand programs like, Chevrolet, Cadillac, Dodge Chrysler Jeep, Ford, GM, Hyundai, KIA, Toyota, Nissan and Honda. Our furniture packages are prepared electroni- cally and ready for submi � al to image compliance review and approval. With our image program experience, we will help you navigate the challenges associated with furniture for customer and non-customer touch points in new dealerships, renova � ons and expansions. Sample Images above feature our pre-approved furniture solu � ons for Chevrolet, Ford, Buick and GMC. See why contac � ng a CARDEALERSHIPFURNITURE.COM specialist will save you � me and money preparing your image compliant furniture package. Call an image ex- pert and see all our brand solu � ons at CARDEALERSHIPFURNITURE.COM . The Wells Group, Inc. is a preferred distributor for HON furniture . 713 ‐ 464 ‐ 5700