Pub. 57 2016-2017 Issue 1

DO YOU WANT LOWER INSURANCE COSTS? First Insured Insurance Agency, MGA First Insured , part of the First Group Family of Companies , and AmTrust Financial have partnered to form one of the most formidable automobile dealership commercial insurance providers in the industry! A recent SNL Financial report ranked AmTrust the third (3rd) largest workers’ compensation insurer in the United States! From Workers’ Compensation coverage, general liability, open lot, surety bonds, EPLI, cyber, and more , First Insured has the answer for all your automobile dealership’s insurance needs. We recognize companies need to control costs in today's competitive market. So in addition to our upfront lower initial premiums , we also focus on controlling costs through an effective risk management approach. • Hazard identification/control • Education and training • Job site surveys • Safety/risk management • Technical/graphical loss analysis • Underwriting/risk evaluation We use a two-tiered approach for our loss control initiatives that includes onsite risk evaluation and safety consulting, as well as web-based education and training. First Insured works with AmTrust Loss Control to offer customers both training and consultation services. We don't just provide pre-packaged solutions - we tailor each program to meet your unique needs. Be sure to have First Insured (part of the Cirst Droup Camily of /ompanies founded by aike Edward s) review your current dealership insurance coverages for a true assessment and analysis, and provide a quote. We are saving dealers thousands of dollars in premium costs! CONTACT: Jim Lechler First Insured Commercial Insurance Manager 800-604-4355 “Innovative Automotive Solutions at Work” Part of the First Group Family of Companies