Pub. 57 2016-2017 Issue 3

14 ees, The Miracle League of Southlake received a check for $20,000. “We’re now in our third season of the Miracle League of Southlake and this donation helps us give 195 special needs players the ability to play baseball without any fees to their parents, so you can only imagine what this donation means to us,” said John Slocum, Board Member of The Miracle League of Southlake. “We’re proud to have Classic Chevrolet and The Thompson Group at Classic Chevrolet as major sponsors.” Classic dealerships all over Texas have programs to serve their communities and all involve the hard work and dedication of the dealership employ- ees. One of those dealers is TADA Board Member, Richard Allen, owner of Classic of Denton. The spirit of giving has long been a tradition for the employees of Clas- sic Mazda Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram. From the time that Classic of Denton opened over a decade ago, the deal- ership employees have sponsored local families with gifts and food to help make their holiday season bright and filled with love. Two weeks before Christmas 2016 the dealership stepped up their efforts by do- nating clothes and ne- cessities for 67 children that are homeless, yet attend school at the Den- ton Independent School District; and gave seven turkey dinners, $500 in gift cards and essential items to Cum- berland Presbyterian Children’s Home in Denton. The dealership also donated cash and bedding, blankets towels and toiletries toMonsignor King Outreach Center, which opens on December 24th to the homeless every year, and also is open anytime the temperature is above 80 degrees or below 38 degrees outside. Explains owner Richard Al- len; “Our goal is to increase our support of the local community year after year, particularly to children. But we want to also expand our reach to others in need, especially during the holidays.” The biggest gift of the season came in the form of a brand new 2016 Ram Promaster 15-passenger van for Den- ton County “Friends of the Family”. The organization, founded in 1980 provides compassionate and compre- hensive services to those impacted by rape, sexual abuse and domestic violence including shelter, counseling, legal counsel, case management and a 24-hour crisis hotline. Explains Clas- sic of Denton’s General Manager, Rick Wick, “I received a call from Jessica with “Friends of the Family” a few weeks ago inquiring about purchasing a 12 passenger van because theirs was  TOM AND SUSAN DURANT’S CLASSIC EMPLOYEES ARE HEROES FOR TEXAS — CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11