Pub. 57 2016-2017 Issue 3

33 SPRING 2017 Section3. Expulsion. Amember may be removed frommem- bership for cause by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Direc- tors. Removal for cause will occur only after the member has been advised of the complaint against it and it has been given a reasonable opportunity to appear before the Board of Direc- tors in its own defense. If a member is expelled, it may appeal from the decision of the Board to the next annual meeting of the membership, providing notice of intent to appeal to the membership is furnished inwriting to the President at least ten (10) days before the date when the appeal will be presented. In any proceeding before the Board of Directors seeking expul- sion of a member, Directors from the region or metropolitan market area inwhich themember sought to be expelled is doing business, shall be disqualified from participating. Section4. Dues. Dues and admission fees, if any, for all classes ofmembershipwill be established by theBoard ofDirectors and may be altered or amended at any regular or special meeting of the Board. No dues will be refunded to any member whose membership terminates for any reason. ARTICLE V Meetings Section1. AnnualMeetings.Themembership of the Associa- tion will meet annually for the transaction of business. A time and place of the meeting will be determined by the Board of Directors and notice published to the membership at a reason- able time prior to the meeting. Section2. SpecialMeetings. Aspecial meeting of themember- ship may be called by the Board of Directors or the Chairman at any time or may be called on the petition of five percent (5%) of the members in good standing. Notice of the time and place of the meeting and of its purpose will be mailed at least twenty (20) days prior to the date of the meeting to each member at the address shown on the records of the Association. Section 3. Voting. At all business meetings of the Associa- tion each regular member will have one vote, and may take part and vote only by and through the person authorized by these by-laws. Unless otherwise specifically provided by these by-laws, amajority vote of regular members present and voting shall govern. Section 4. Quorum. Five percent (5%) of the members con- stitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a regular or special meeting. ARTICLE VI Officers Section 1. Elected Officers. The elected officers of this Asso- ciation are a Chairman, a Chairman-Elect, and nine regional Vice-Chairmen. Section 2. Nomination and Election. The Chairman-Elect shall automatically succeed to the Chairmanship. Annually, theChairmanwill appoint a nominating committee composed  BY-LAWS OF THE TEXAS AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOCIATION — CONTINUED FROM PAGE 31  BY-LAWS OF THE TEXAS AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOCIATION — CONTINUED ON PAGE 34