Pub. 58 2017-2018 Issue 2
14 Texas Dealer Academy W hen theTexasDealerAcademywas organized in June of 2011 by Trustee Tim Crenwelge and Chairman T Harper for Texas dealers’ sons, daughters and key managers, therewere four primary goals that they envisioned for the new generation of Texas franchised dealers. One goal was to provide a foundation of learning that would enable themem- bers to succeed in an increasing complex business environment; second was to give the members the opportunity to network with other young dealers and build an alliance that they could depend upon for support and advice throughout their career as dealers; the third mission was to relate the importance of the political and legislative aspect of our industry, and to provide experience in connecting with the policymakers and regulators who are so important to the future of franchised dealers. The fourth goal was to acquaint the young dealer members with the staff of TADA and to understand the importance of working together in the association to know the issues of the day, and to speak with one voice on behalf of their fellow dealers and the industry. To say that these bright, energetic and passionate young dealers got the message would be a gross understatement. In the six years since their first meeting at theWHotel in Aus- tin, TDAmembers have made multiple visits toWashington D.C. to speak with members of the Texas Congressional delegation. They have lobbied members of the Texas House The Bright Future of an Essential Industry
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