Pub. 59 2018-2019 Issue 3

21 SPRING 2019 OUR COMMITMENT TO OUR CLIENTS: RETAIL WARRANTY REIMBURSEMENT OUR AVERAGE CLIENT ADDS $ 168 , 000 TO THEIR BOTTOM LINE WE ARE ENDORSED BY 13 STATE DEALER ASSOCIATIONS WE HAVE WORKED WITH OVER 4,500 DEALERS WE WORK IN 48 STATES WITH 24 MANUFACTURERS ‡ You Won’t Lift a Finger: Armatus does all the work for you. ‡ Fully Contingent Fee: You only pay when you are approved. ‡ Speed and Accuracy: Money in your pocket as quickly as 45 days. ‡ Da ta Governance: Your customer information is safe with us. (888) 477-2228 | WWW.DEALERUPLIFT.COM T exas Dealer Academy leader and renais- sance woman, Kali Kirkpatrick, added one more significant accomplishment to her resume by running the 26.2 mile Austin Marathon on February 17. A nationally ac- claimed figure skater, a graduate student in the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin, and a full-time manager at Ryan Ford in Sealy, Texas, Kali, daughter of TADADirector Ryan and Debbie Kirkpatrick, as well as her TDA peers confirm that the future of the franchised dealer net- work in Texas is in good hands.  Kali Kirkpatrick - Austin Marathon