Pub. 59 2018-2019 Issue 3

24 Volkswagen Recognizes the Lucianos and Streets for Automotive Excellence J ohn and Kat Luciano, along with partners Joe and Laura Street are icons of the Texas high plains. TADA Director John Luciano and former TADA Vice-Chairman Joe Street, along with their community leader wives have an impact on Ama- rillo like no other. Wh i l e he ad i ng s ome of t he i r c ommu n i t y ’s mo s t imp o r t a nt institutions, the Streets and Lucianos operate two of the most outstanding franchised dealerships in the country. Street Volkswagen of Amarillo was recently one of five dealers in the US to receive the Diamond Pin Award, the most coveted award that Volkswagen can give to a dealer. Top Volkswagen execut ives v isited Ama r i l lo on Tuesday, February 5 to present Street Volkswagen General Manager and Managing Partner, John Luciano with this prestigious award. “It is an honor and we are humbled that Street Volkswagen has received this enormous award and recognition,” Luciano said. “We’d like to thank Ama r i l l o a nd t he Pa n h a nd l e community for making this possible and we will forever continue to live up to these standards that Volkswagen holds for its honorees.” To be eligible for the Diamond Pin, dealers must be nominated by Volkswagen Area and Regional Managers, be thoroughly vetted by the National Volkswagen of America leadership, and be a previous recipient of the prestigious Gold Pin Award. The Diamond Pin award is based on sustained sales performance, overall customer satisfaction and experience, representation of the Volkswagen Brand and Dea ler’s service and involvement within their surrounding community. Street Volkswagen received their first Wolfsburg Crest Club Gold Level Award in 2015 and the Wolfsburg Crest Club Platinum Level Award in 2016 and 2017. Street Volkswagen also received the Customer First Club Award in 2016 and 2017. In 2017, Street Volkswagen was honored with the Gold Pin Award fromVolkswagen. In addition to the Diamond Pin Award, Street Volkswagen has also received the f irst ever Volkswagen Gl oba l Amba s s ador Awa rd i n acknowledgement of the overa l l performance and dedication to the Volkswagen brand. Volkswagen has recently partnered with US Soccer, and as Volkswagen Ambassadors, John, his wife, Kat and Joe and his wife, Laura will head to the Woman's World Cup this summer in Paris, France as VW Ambassadors. Street Volkswagen of Amarillo opened in Amarillo, Texas in 2013 and has since been a valuable corporate citizen in the Texas Panhandle. They provide support to area nonprofit organizations such as Boy Scouts of America, United Way, The Mavericks Boys and Girls Club, Young Life, High Plains Food Bank, Eveline Rivers Christmas Project, Snack Pak 4 Kids, Amarillo Symphony, Amarillo Museum of Art, Discovery Center, CACHA (Hispanic Chamber of Commerce), West Texas A&M University, Special Olympics and many other organizations. 