Pub. 59 2018-2019 Issue 4
P O R T F O L I O R E I N S U R A N C E My F&I Success. My Portfolio. “The best decision I have made for my dealership, and for me.” As a young dealer who rose through the ranks, I am especially serious about my F&I and fixed ops profit centers. With Portfolio’s flexible rates, terms and coverages, I build our F&I program the way I want to. Portfolio’s VSC tie-back brings my customers’ repair claims back to my dealership, for better CSI and more revenue for the service drive. On the income development side, my Portfolio agents offer all the training we could ask for. Best of all, my Portfolio reinsurance company has the best structure benefits in the industry, so I build personal wealth faster. It’s a win-win for the dealership and me. © 2019 Portfolio Holding, Inc. All rights reserved.
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